Our durum wheat channels and our commitment to proximity

Better for French farmers and the environment
When we commit to our ideas, we like to go all the way! Thus, since 2017, 100% of durum wheat has come from French soil, for all our ranges of Valfleuri pasta.
Certified ORGANIC in 1999, we have been using eggs and durum wheat from organic farming for over 20 years for our ORGANIC pasta.
In 2020, we developed with farmers and a French cooperative, a new channels of durum wheat from farms with High Environmental Value (HVE). With the adoption of low-impact techniques, this cultivation method certified by the Ministry of Agriculture is more respectful of the environment and biodiversity.

Promote economic and social development in our region
While the cultivation of durum wheat did not exist in Alsace, in 2018 we started a partnership with the Coopérative Agricole de Céréales (CAC). The reintroduction of durum wheat required trials in micro-plots, then on small plots to select a suitable variety. Also Valfleuri Old-Fashioned Alsatian Pasta is the first Alsatian durum wheat pasta, marketed in supermarkets. Despite difficult weather conditions for the 2021 summer durum wheat campaign, the company guarantees French ingredients (durum wheat and fresh free-range eggs) for all its ranges.

« The important thing is to recreate the link between the producer, the manufacturer and the consumer. »
Jean-Michel Habig, President of the CAC.