To make good pasta, you first need good wheat. Some people mix it with water, we mix it with eggs. Lots of eggs. A generous and delicious recipe reflecting Alsatian culture.
Spaetzle, Nests, Nüdle… to obtain these delicious pastas, we choose our ingredients carefully: the wheat is grown in France according to precise specifications and the eggs, also French, come from free-range hens.
Alsacian Valfleuri pasta is made from 7 fresh free-range eggs for one kilo of durum wheat semolina; we have been making it this way for over 100 years.
300 000fresh eggs daily
There are also 300,000 good reasons to choose free-range eggs!100%French eggs and wheat
Cocorico! The eggs and durum wheat that make up our pasta come from French agriculture.PME+for a more engaged world
We work every day for animal welfare and the preservation of the environment.Valfleuri vous propose plus de 40 pâtes différentes, disponibles sur notre boutique !
Découvrir nos produitsValfleuri’s commitment to the environment and
animal welfare